As your furnace ages, and as you start to have more frequent maintenance on that furnace, you will probably stop to ask yourself whether furnace repair or furnace replacement is the best choice. This can be a difficult thing to decide for many people, simply because the cost of replacing a furnace can be quite high. So, when should you repair and when should you replace? Read on to find out.

What is the Age of the Furnace?

Is your furnace already 15to 20 years old? If so, you've reached the maximum average lifespan for most furnaces already. People who have their furnace professionally maintained will be more likely to meet the top end of this figure, but once your furnace is a couple of decades old replacement is probably the best option simply because it won't last forever.

How Much Are You Spending on Repairs?

Are you investing a significant amount of money in furnace repairjust to keep the furnace going? As those furnace breakdowns get more and more frequent, it's a sign that replacement should happen sooner rather than later. When faced with a major (and costly) repair, the best rule of thumb according to many contractors is as follows: Look at the price of a new furnace. If the repair would be half or more of that amount, go with replacement instead of repair.

Are Your Heating Bills on the Rise?

Even if your furnace may have some life left in it, the level of functioning will usually decline over the years. If you notice your heating billsteadily on the rise, it's time to think about a new furnace. Consider, for example, the fact that if your heating bill goes up several hundred dollars each year, you could pay for a new furnace in five years or so. Even if a furnace is very pricey, keep in mind that you will immediately enjoy a significant reduction in heating costs going forward, and this will continue for as long as 20 years.

Questions about furnace repairand replacement? Call ACT Air Conditioning Texas today!