Dirty Dirty Ducts

Welcome to the wild wild west of duct cleaning! Have you ever wondered what's lurking in the depths of your ventilation system? It's time to take a journey into the dust bunnies and debris that are hiding right under your nose. Get ready to discover the dirty truth about ducts and how a little cleaning can make a big difference in your home's air quality and your peace of mind!
Understand the Benefits
We believe the best way for you to understand duct cleaning is to understand the benefits that it has to offer. Below we listed the main benefits that many of our clients find beneficial to them:
1. It improves your Indoor Air Quality:
By cleaning your air ducts you can make sure you improve your indoor air quality and your health. While your unit is running contaminates caused by dust, pets, and other chemicals get pulled into your HVAC air system. Over a span of time, these contaminants build up and are pushed back out into your living area every time it runs for you to inhale. Taking in these contaminants is harmful to you and the people in your household and may cause illnesses over time.
2. Boost your system efficiency & save money:
As stated before when your unit is working it pulls in these types of particles and causes a build-up in the ducts. Now this means that when your AC unit runs it has to work harder to get air into your home due to the blockage. This also means that it will have to stay on longer to get your home to your ideal comfort level, which means a higher electricity bill.
3. Helps with smell in the house:
There are a lot of factors that cause a house to smell, these may include smoke, cleaning agents, mildew, and food. These odors get stuck in the ductwork and get pushed out into the home every time the system is turned on. Alongside bad odors, bacteria and mold can also grow in the ducts which causes a bad smell, which we call Dirty Sock Syndrome. When you neglect your ductwork, you also run the risk of small animals climbing into your ducts and either leaving droppings or dying and decomposing. That then makes your home start to smell stale and unpleasant.
4. Keeps your home safe and prevents future issues:
Dirty air ducts can cause fires, as stated before we learned that dirt and dust can accumulate within the ductwork. When that ductwork heats up this may ignite the contaminants and cause massive damage to your valuables and property. Not to mention, it also puts your life and your loved ones at risk. While we clean the ducts we also can check to make sure you don't have any other issues that may cost you later.
As our journey comes to an end we hope that you were able to learn more about the benefits of duct cleaning. If you are experiencing duct issues in the Spring or Woodlands Texas areas, contact ACTexas today! We are equipped to help you with all of your maintenance needs; you can give us a call, chat with our office, or fill out the schedule form on our website.
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